
Prep to Year 3 Swimming Carnival details


Good morning families,

Please find below details for our upcoming swimming carnival events for Junior School students, which will be held across the road at the “Shark Tank” (our school pool across McCulla Street).

Swimming Carnival dates

Prep: Friday 2 December 2022, middle session (11:45am start) 

Year 1: Friday 2 December 2022, first session (9am start)

Year 2 - 3: Tuesday 6 December 2022, first session (9am start)

Students will be able to compete in a variety of events. Prep and Year 1 students will take part in freestyle and novelty races with boogie boards. Our Year 2 students will do freestyle and backstroke, as well as a novelty race if time permits. Year 3 students will do freestyle and backstroke and have the additional option of breaststroke. 

Prior to the swimming carnivals, your child will have nominated the events in which they wish to swim.

Parents are more than welcome to attend, however please note a detailed run sheet cannot be given, as race times will be flexible and we wish to avoid disappointment for spectators.

On the dates listed, please ensure your child brings their named swimming bag with all items they have required for swimming during their recent lessons (ie. swimwear, sun shirt, goggles, swim cap, towel).

Students are also encouraged to wear their coloured house shirts to school on this day.

An email regarding details for our Senior Swimming Carnival (Year 4 - 6) will be sent separately. 

Thank you

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Last reviewed 22 November 2022
Last updated 22 November 2022