Sherwood has a wonderful Student Council committee, which is comprised of:
The Student Council organise school fundraising and also undertake regular lessons to develop their understanding and capacities of leadership.
Each year there are elections for students who are leaders in Year 6. These positions include: School Captains, House Captains, and Captains for the various music groups including strings, choir, and band.
School Leadership Program
To be a school leader is a very exciting and rewarding experience that will not only give a valuable addition to a student's resume, but also life-long skills. Leadership does not come naturally but is developed through the many activities and experiences we are involved in, not only at school but in our everyday lives. The Sherwood Leadership Program provides students with the opportunity to take on the role of a leader and the responsibilities and accountability that come with the position.
It is essential our Sherwood Student Leaders demonstrate and reflect through their actions the school's Vision and Values, are a consistent positive role model for their peers, have exemplary behaviour, show strong community spirit and pride in our school. This Leadership Passport recognises the development and accomplishments on this road to becoming a leader.
The Leadership Passport is open to all Year 5 students. Only students who successfully complete the Leadership Passport by Week 3 of Term 4 in Year 5 will be able to formally nominate for the leadership positions on offer.
There are five sections of the passport which need to be successfully completed.
These include:
Involvement in school community
Referees (please neatly remove these from the booklet and hand out to staff, who will return to the office)
Please note, this booklet forms part of the leadership application, and as such, should be looked after very carefully throughout the school year.
2025 School Leaders