Enrolment policy
All students in Years Prep–6 who reside within the local catchment area have a right to enrol. Applicants must include evidence of age. Proof of residency is required (e.g. Rates notice/Electricity account). For children born outside of Australia, proof such as Australian Citizenship, Permanent Residence status or eligibility under a visa category is required.
This may require places to be held for students who relocate to within the catchment boundary throughout the school year.
Siblings of students, who were enrolled at the school in 2000, when the Enrolment Management Plan was implemented, have the right to enrol while their siblings are still attending the school.
Students who move to an area outside the catchment boundary but lived in the local catchment area at the time of enrolment can continue to be enrolled. Siblings of these students will be considered for admission in accordance with the admissions criteria in the school’s enrolment management plan.
The school’s enrolment management plan does not replace other departmental policy, for example, School Disciplinary Absences, Preschool and Early Education, Class Management, nor does it override subsequent determinations regarding built school capacity.
Enrolment criteria
Where there is spare capacity, students will be enrolled based on the following criteria and order of priority:
Students residing within the boundary will be enrolled.
Siblings of students already enrolled and living outside the guaranteed enrolment boundary will be enrolled.
Students whose parent or legal guardian is employed by the school will be enrolled.
Students who reside outside the enrolment boundary and who officially leave the school will be considered for re-admission in accordance with the admissions criteria.