In-catchment enrolments
All students in Prep – Year 6 who reside within the local catchment area have a right to enrol all year round. Applicants must include evidence of age, and proof of residency is required (e.g. rates notice/electricity account). For children born outside of Australia, proof such as Australian Citizenship, Permanent Residence status or eligibility under a visa category is required. Applications for students from Prep - Year 6 moving into our catchment area will be accepted all year round.
Enrolments for in-catchment 2026 Preps will be accepted at any time, with enrolment forms available from our office during office hours.
Families will then be placed on our mailing list and notified of future Prep transition dates.
Out-of-catchment enrolments
Please note, Sherwood State School has now exceeded its enrolment capacity numbers (as set by the regional team in accordance with our facilities capacity) and therefore we will be unable to accept any out-of-catchment requests for the foreseeable future.
Short-term enrolments
Unfortunately we are not able to offer short-term opportunites at Sherwood State School.