We request that students do not arrive at school prior to 8.20am. Students are to assemble underneath A Block (access via Sherwood Road entrance) and wait for 8:30 which marks the beginning of supervised play time in the 'Quadrangle'.
If students need to arrive prior to this time, a booking should be made with OSHC.
Below is a list of main bell times and their purpose.
| Students gather in the quadrangle for supervised play Activities include:
- handball
- hula hoops
- skipping
- target games
- circuit activities (jumping, hopping, skipping)
- music
| School office opens
8.55am bell
| Students assemble outside of classrooms
| Roll marking in classroom
11.00am bell
| First break - play time
11.30am bell
| First break - eating time
11.45am bell
| End first break, return to classroom
1.45pm bell
| Second break - eating time
1.55pm bell
| Second break - play time
2.15pm bell
| End second break, return to classroom
3.00pm bell
| End of day
Accessing Before/After School Care?
If you need to access to Outside School Hours Care (OSHC), please contact them directly here.
What if my child is late for school?
Students who arrive at school late should report to the office for a late slip before going to class.
What if I need to pick up my child early?
Students who are required to leave school early must be first signed out at the office by their parent/carer, who can then proceed to their classroom to collect. This also applies if students are leaving early after participating in school sports carnivals (eg. athletics/swimming).