Dear families,
On Tuesday 21 March, our Year 5 and Year 6 students will listen to a “Talk Money” presentation by Ecstra Foundation.
Talk Money is a free financial education program that teaches young Australians money lessons for life and
aims to help students be confident when talking about money and to make informed financial decisions.
Delivered by knowledgeable facilitators, they offer interactive workshops on “Talking about Money”,
“Spending and Saving Money” and “Making Money Work”.
The program is designed for students in Years 5 – 10, and has been developed in collaboration with education
experts and a financial education advisory group.
There is no cost for students, and no permission form required for your child to participate.
We’re looking forward to their visit and, if you’d like to know more, you can check out their website at
You are also welcome to contact your student's class teacher.
Thank you