Good morning,
Wear it Purple Day at Sherwood will be acknowledged on Monday 29 August by wearing a touch of purple (e.g. a purple shirt, ribbon, socks or hair band).
By wearing purple, or supporting a Wear it Purple Day activity, we are showing young people that they are seen, supported, and have the right to be proud of who they are.
On a Prep - Year 2 level, Wear it Purple Day will be promoted as a day to ensure all students are valued and feel included no matter how they look or feel or who their family is. We will also link this with our anti-bullying policy and remind students that wearing purple today shows that we support everyone, no matter what! We will be sharing some amazing, department approved and age appropriate, picture books that reference families and youth of all kinds.
Wear it Purple Day strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environments for all young people.
The wider Sherwood State School community is encouraged to wear a splash of purple to show their support for all young people no matter their expression or family experiences.
Thank you